Below are some of the misconceptions which can hamper your success:
1. You should never give in to temptation.
While it may feel righteous to constantly decline chocolate cake, french fries and other treats, the temptation is likely to wear you down over time. If you deprive yourself of treats for a long time, you are more likely to overeat them when you finally give in to temptation.
It would be best to occasionally indulge in treats that you want so you do not deprive yourself. Always remember to eat in moderation and to only splurge on foods that you really love.
2. There is no point getting back on track once you have fallen off your plan.
It is normal to encounter some drawbacks along the way especially when you have gone on vacation or have attended a party event. Sometimes these can make you feel like you have ruined your whole diet. Do not let this get you down and instead focus on getting back to your diet plan on your next meal.
In the long run, one little drawback does not make any difference as long as you pick yourself up and get back on the plan. Do not wait and procrastinate. Do it at your next meal.
3. A serving equals one bowl.
When you look at the calories listed on the package of the food, keep in mind the amount of serving does not necessarily mean the amount of food you will eat. If your cereal has about 100 calories for every one cup of serving and your bowl holds two cups, then you are actually getting 200 calories and not 100 calories.
It is important that you get to know how big your portions should be. Start by weighing or measuring out portions until you familiarize yourself with what different servings should look like. Remember that extra calories from oversized portions add up!
4. Fat-free food doesn't count.
The invasion of fat-free products in the 1990s have led us to believe that fat-free food does not make us gain weight. This is just not true. The amount of weight you gain or lose is determined by the number of calories you eat compared to the number you burn.
What you should do is to focus on getting your calories from foods that will fill you up and help you gain muscle. Keep your eye on your overall caloric intake and get your energy from foods rich in fibre, protein and other important nutrients.
5. No eating after dinner.
The food that you have after dinner does not necessarily translate to fat. However, what causes the scale to tip in the wrong direction is if you have already had your fill of calories for the day. It is actually the extra calories that cause the problem and not the timing.
It is recommended that you save some space for extra calories after dinner if you are one who enjoys a bedtime snack.
6. Eat the same food during your diet.
It is easy to fall into the trap of eating the same food over and over when you are dieting. People do have a tendency to settle on the same meals that fit their caloric needs for fear of making a mistake. This is not a good idea as there is a greater tendency to get bored with your meals over time and you are more likely to cave in when the temptation comes along. You can check out the Medifast diet for a list of foods you can eat.
Remember that diet food does not have to be boring. Focus on high-quality ingredients which tend to have more flavor and mix it up with fresh herbs or balsamic vinegar. You can even add in a small amount of good-quality olive oil or parmesan cheese to your meal. This can help keep your food interesting without adding too many calories. by KP
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