Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Idiot Guide to Dieting Tips

Have you found yourself trying a diet but then looking at all the other things you could eat and stopping? Have you found some of the diets that you try have directions that are simply too complicated to follow? Our diet will be able to help you in so many ways where others may have failed. This is a type of weight loss for idiots that are actually something that can work for anyone. Whether you over complicate the instructions you are given and then find yourself confused, have some issues with the way that confusing web sites explain their diets and more. We can help you reach your dieting goals. What do we do, that most do not? Most companies will give you great recipe ideas and encouragement, then state that you need to follow their diet but remember to eat to get nourishment. They do not even bother to explain to you how you should do this, what else you should do and much more. They may not even have nearly as many facts behind what they are trying as are behind our book and diet generator that may be soon to be as your disposal. Being on a diet is hard enough if you do not know what you are doing and the positives as well as the negatives. Many of these other diets and generators have a great deal more negatives then they let you know ahead of time. We will let you know both the negatives and the positives. ? What are the Negatives and Positives of Weight Loss? The positives of weight loss include a lighter body that some feel looks more attractive, you are able to do more physically and in terms of energy and of course being more physically fit. By being more physically fit we do not only mean that you are able to work out or move around we actually mean that there are many ailments you are less likely to have or get in addition to being more likely to be able to sleep well. We do this through a calorie shifting plan which has major positives such as being able to eat your own proportions as long as it is recommended food and having more freedom with food then many other diets give you. However you also will be expected to stay on a schedule in terms of what times you eat these food. Learn more about the idiot guide to dieting and how it can help you lose weight at Have you found yourself trying a diet but then looking at all the other things you could eat and stopping? Have you found some of the diets that you try have directions that are simply too complicated to follow? This diet will be able to help you in so many ways where others may have failed. This is a type of weight loss that are actually something that can work for anyone. Whether you over complicate the instructions you are given and then find yourself confused, have some issues with the way that confusing web sites explain their diets and more. These tips can help you reach your dieting goals.

What are the Negatives and Positives of Weight Loss? The positives of weight loss include a lighter body that some feel looks more attractive, you are able to do more physically and in terms of energy and of course being more physically fit. By being more physically fit we do not only mean that you are able to work out or move around we actually mean that there are many ailments you are less likely to have or get in addition to being more likely to be able to sleep well. This can be done through a calorie shifting plan which has major positives such as being able to eat your own proportions as long as it is recommended food and having more freedom with food then many other diets give you. However you also will be expected to stay on a schedule in terms of what times you eat these food.

What do we do, that most do not? Most companies will give you great recipe ideas and encouragement, then state that you need to follow their diet but remember to eat to get nourishment. They do not even bother to explain to you how you should do this, what else you should do and much more. They may not even have nearly as many facts behind what they are trying as are behind our book and diet generator that may be soon to be as your disposal. Being on a diet is hard enough if you do not know what you are doing and the positives as well as the negatives. Many of these other diets and generators have a great deal more negatives then they let you know ahead of time. We will let you know both the negatives and the positives. ?

Learn more about the guide to dieting and how it can help you lose weight at StripThatFat.com by Malarkey Peter

How to Lose Belly Fat Fast - Tips For Losing Belly Fat For Everyone

Are you looking for a way to help you lose your belly fat fast? There are many different ways to help you achieve this goal. Sit back and relax, I'm going to tell you now. All you need is a little discipline and a bit of work and it will pay off in the end.

First, you need to focus on what you eat. Eating the wrong foods and drinking the wrong fluids will make you fat. You have to drink plenty of water. Try to avoid fruit juices, chocolate drinks, and soft drinks which have a lot of sugar and calories.

Second, cardiovascular workouts are great for losing belly fat. Combined with eating right and drinking enough good liquids will help speed up the weight loss process. There are so many different activities you can do as a cardio workout such as walking, running, swimming, biking etc.You should work out 30 minutes a day, 3-5 times a week.

Third, be sure you get yourself enough multivitamin and to detox your system by increasing fiber intake. Without proper nutrition, you may not be able to lose your belly fat fast as your want.

If you follow those tips, you will be surprise that, finally, you can lose your belly fat as quick as you want. What are you waiting for? Let's get started now. by Joe Steven

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Regaining Self Confidence

Discover now how to regain your self confidence. Do you often look in the mirror and think what has happened to me? Is that a double chin I see? Where are my eyes, now buried deeply within puffy layers. What is this, do I still have the floater on from this past summer? How would I know if these pants fit me around the waist, I can't even get them up past up thighs. Work today, are you kidding? Looking like this. Does this sound like you? Are you at the end of your rope and no where to turn? Today I am going to tell you how to regain the self confidence you once had by learning how to treat yourself in a healthy manner.

Before we go any further I want you to understand that my goal is not to belittle you in any way, but guide and support you in your journey to a more healthier and happier you! There are many reason a person looses self confidence in ones self. The top two reason today could be Job Loss and Divorce which could lead to Weight Gain. In order to move on from loosing your job and finding a new one, you must regain your self confidence. In order to do this, we must work on the weight gain issue first.

Now remember I am not trying to belittle you, just guiding and supporting. To get started go to the first mirror you see. Take a good long look. What do you see? Is this the person you really want to be? Do you see a beautiful person crying out for help? Help to shed these extra pounds that have been brought on by other forces. Just so you have an idea of what we are dealing with, imagine this. In one hand I have 2 pounds of pure FAT. In my other hand a basketball. The fat is half the size of the basketball. It is the weight. They both weigh the same. A lot of times I think of a 2 pound bag of sugar as 2 pounds of Fat. If you had 10 pounds to loose that would be five bags of sugar! I have a healthy plan that is going to help you start loosing those bags of sugar immediately.

Strip that Fat. The top healthy plan for 2009. Strip that fat will teach you why eating fat is good. Why this plan will work and your last one didn't. How to manipulate and control your body to become a weigh loss machine. Lose weight and still eat out. The secret about water. Teach your body to burn calories. A muscle that you can build to blast weight loss.10 foods you need to love. How the "biggest loser's" lost massive weight in a short amount of time. Simple steps to removing your marshmallow shape and regaining self confidence.

Within 7 days from today you will have lost inches and 2lbs of fat or a 2lb bag of sugar. Within 14 days from now, you will look and feel different, noticing your double chin start fading away. Your eyes becoming more brighter. That marshmallow figure starting to melt before your eyes. Are you ready? Are you ready to loose those extra pounds and regain your self confidence?

Let me be straight forward with you and tell you if you do not start right now, you will continue to gain weight and never jump over those hurdles in your life. Today you can start loosing those extra pounds. Today is the day to KISS FAT GOODBYE and HELLO SELF CONFIDENCE.
by Kim Bronson

Free Food Calorie List

If you are looking seriously into losing weight effectively and safely, yet also willing to apply a long-term, well-disciplined, and professional approach to your overall body-fat-reducing lifestyle, then this sample, complementary, free food calorie list may be the answer to your prayers. This free food calorie list sample provides just one age of the entire ten-page set of well-researched eating nutrition health foods that support year ability to burn fat.

As you probably already know, getting accurate information from free food calorie list resources proves to be a somewhat difficult task, especially on the Internet, because the name "fat burning foods" is intentionally misleading. Foods do not burn fat; YOU do.

From your free food calorie list, you will notice that the basic foods on your list have little to no saturated fat. Additionally, you will often find that lean sources of protein, for example, exist in an excellent way, within foods that also have an overall, low-fat profile.

Egg whites, for instance, provide you with an outstandingly helpful array of nutritional benefits. Yet, they also have zero total fat, zero saturated fat, and zero cholesterol. [FYI: Even from this free food calorie list sample, you can discover that cholesterol is another SILENT fat source that often becomes problematic for the average person who wants to lose weight.]

When you are trying to keep your current body weight at a comfortable level, or to reduce your present body fat percentage, a consideration of the major THREE types of fat is highly helpful. These are primarily: 1) saturated fat, 2) unsaturated fat; and 3) cholesterol.

The latter (cholesterol) is a very tricky fat source because although you need it as a basic protective covering for your cellular and internal organs systems, it has another side (LDL) that is bad for you in excessive amounts.

Now, here is a word of caution about your free food calorie list, plus free nutritional or weight loss products. Generally speaking (yet, you will find this to be true almost consistently) a free food calorie list would not provide you with an accurately detailed plus extremely useful breakdown of specific foods that already possess fat-burning and nutritionally supportive weight management qualities.

Your complete version of this free food calorie list (should you decide to embrace a more thorough or all-inclusive weight loss campaign) increases your calorie counting knowledge, fat loss results, plus your emotional, inspirational, and motivational satisfaction by already pointing you directly towards results-proven approaches, techniques, and systems.

That is what losing weight and keeping fit is really all about... making new changes occur WITHIN your body, which also reflect in your outward appearance. The true definition of health is no longer merely "getting by without being sick and tired."

Your best outcome from body fat and calorie counting endeavors, whether you choose to use the free food calorie list or not, occurs by combining three things:

1) Your emotional control, determination, and drive;

2) Your new-found food calorie counting skill; plus

3) Your commitment to performing the small yet consistent physical activities that boost all three of these highly beneficial components to the truly highest levels that you can possibly achieve.

Does this sound like an invitation? It is. Please join us, help yourself and our community to learn the really enlightening facts about "How To Use Your Food Calorie List For Optimum Health And Weight Management." (In fact, this is the title of the new fat loss e-book.)

You can start by getting your free food calorie list, then allowing yourself to become more highly involved in weight loss achievement. by Kenneth G. Dockins

Get Rid Of Your Belly Fat With A Good Six Pack Diet

Not everybody knows that you can do sit-ups and crunches till you are blue in the face and without the proper diet you will be doing it all for nothing. It is your stomach muscles after all. You need to start with what's inside there.

To start you need to eat many small meals per day. Don't eat 2-3 large meals, instead eat 5-6 smaller ones. Not only will you feel better cause your actually feeding yourself. You will be helping your body digest this food easier. Have a portion of protein with each of the meals. Along with protein you will want a portion of fibrous health carbohydrates and a portion of healthy fats. There is a difference between healthy and none healthy fats so make sure to look into this. Try to eat organic if possible, I know that it's not always a choice but if possible try to work them in.

Calories are a factor as well. You don't need to obsess over them though. Count your calories on a normal eating day and subtract about 400-500 from that amount. Don't cut them to much or it will cut into your muscle.

Water is also a very important part of your diet. Everyone has their own view on this subject. A rule of thumb I found works great is drinking aproximately half my body weight in water a day. It sounds like a lot but it's not that hard to do. Just carry a water bottle with you throughout the day and keep it full. If your getting sick of water you can also drink some tea's. Green tea and Oolong teas are great for weight loss. Black and white teas are good also but there has not been as much success in researches with these.

One fun thing I like to do is on the seventh day of the week. You get an overfeeding day. On this overfeeding day you can binge a bit. This way your body still knows there is food out there and plus you feel better from it as well. We all need a binge day don't we. by Joshua D Benford

Diets tip - Eat well to maintain health

We all know the risks involved with obesity. You understand that it shortens you life and causes premature death. However creating shifts in your diet takes a few things. I break this down into five areas. Knowledge Many people wish to eat a more balanced and healthy diet and simply don't know how. If you are serious about losing weight and this is the issue you will be pleased to know that there is a plethora of tremendous advice that you can receive. Start visiting weight loss and dieting blogs and forums. Many of these sites also have weight loss programs that you can follow. Alfitness.com.au is one of these such sites. Learn as much as you can about different diets. Like in business, knowledge is power. Learn everything you can and implement it into your lifestyle as soon as you can. 1. Carbohydrates: 6 - 8 serves 2. Protein: 4 - 6 serves 3. Fats: 1 serve 4. Dairy: 2 - 3 serves 5. Fruit: 2 serves 6. Vegetables: 5 serves 7. Water: 6 serves The next question is then, what constitutes a serving of each food group? The best way to get a feel for this is to look at various examples that constitute a serving. 1. Carbohydrates (6-8 serves daily) One serving should contain about 0.5oz (15g) of carbohydrates. Examples of this include: Bread 1 slice Tortilla, roll, or muffin 1 Bagel, English muffin or hamburger bun 1/2 Rice, pasta, cooked cereal, grits 1/2 cup Ready-to-eat cereal 3/4 cup (flakes or round) Pancake, waffle 1 (4.5in diameter) 2. Protein (4-6 serves daily) One serving of protein should contain about 0.5oz (15g) of protein. Examples of this include: Cooked lean meat, fish or poultry 2oz- 3oz (60g - 90g) Egg 1 Peanut Butter 2 tablespoons, 1oz (30g) Cooked dried peas or beans 1/2 cup Cooked dried beans 1/2cup Nuts, seeds 1/3 cup 3. Fat (1 serve daily) One serving of fat should contain about 0.2oz (5g) of fat. Examples of this include: 1 tsp vegetable oil 1 tsp butter 1 tsp peanut butter 8 ripe olives 1 tbsp salad dressing 4. Dairy (2-3 serves daily) One serving of dairy should contain about 0.01oz (300mg) of calcium. Examples of this include: Milk 1 cup Yogurt 1 cup Cheese 1 slice, 1oz (30g) (1.5oz cheese is about equal to 1 cup milk) Cottage cheese 1/2 cup Pudding 1/2 cup Ice cream 1/2 cup 5. Fruit (2 serves daily) One serving of fruit should contain about 0.5oz (15g) of carbohydrates. Examples of this include: Chopped, fresh fruit 1/2 cup Grapefruit 1/2 Cantaloupe 1/4 Canned fruit 1/2 cup 100% fruit juice 3/4 cup Raisins or dried fruit 1/4 cup 6. Vegetables (5 serves daily) One serving of vegetables should contain about 0.2oz (5g) of carbohydrates. Examples of this include: Cooked vegetables 1/2 cup Chopped, raw vegetables 1/2 cup Raw, leafy vegetables 1 cup Vegetable juice 3/4 cup

7. Water (6 serves daily) Glass of water (10fl oz) 1. Carbohydrates: 6 - 8 serves 2. Protein: 4 - 6 serves 3. Fats: 1 serve 4. Dairy: 2 - 3 serves 5. Fruit: 2 serves 6. Vegetables: 5 serves 7. Water: 6 serves The next question is then, what constitutes a serving of each food group? The best way to get a feel for this is to look at various examples that constitute a serving. 1. Carbohydrates (6-8 serves daily) One serving should contain about 0.5oz (15g) of carbohydrates. Examples of this include: Bread 1 slice Tortilla, roll, or muffin 1 Bagel, English muffin or hamburger bun 1/2 Rice, pasta, cooked cereal, grits 1/2 cup Ready-to-eat cereal 3/4 cup (flakes or round) Pancake, waffle 1 (4.5in diameter) 2. Protein (4-6 serves daily) One serving of protein should contain about 0.5oz (15g) of protein. Examples of this include: Cooked lean meat, fish or poultry 2oz- 3oz (60g - 90g) Egg 1 Peanut Butter 2 tablespoons, 1oz (30g) Cooked dried peas or beans 1/2 cup Cooked dried beans 1/2cup Nuts, seeds 1/3 cup 3. Fat (1 serve daily) One serving of fat should contain about 0.2oz (5g) of fat. Examples of this include: 1 tsp vegetable oil 1 tsp butter 1 tsp peanut butter 8 ripe olives 1 tbsp salad dressing 4. Dairy (2-3 serves daily) One serving of dairy should contain about 0.01oz (300mg) of calcium. Examples of this include: Milk 1 cup Yogurt 1 cup Cheese 1 slice, 1oz (30g) (1.5oz cheese is about equal to 1 cup milk) Cottage cheese 1/2 cup Pudding 1/2 cup Ice cream 1/2 cup 5. Fruit (2 serves daily) One serving of fruit should contain about 0.5oz (15g) of carbohydrates. Examples of this include: Chopped, fresh fruit 1/2 cup Grapefruit 1/2 Cantaloupe 1/4 Canned fruit 1/2 cup 100% fruit juice 3/4 cup Raisins or dried fruit 1/4 cup 6. Vegetables (5 serves daily) One serving of vegetables should contain about 0.2oz (5g) of carbohydrates. Examples of this include: Cooked vegetables 1/2 cup Chopped, raw vegetables 1/2 cup Raw, leafy vegetables 1 cup Vegetable juice 3/4 cup

7. Water (6 serves daily) Glass of water (10fl oz) Source = http://www.alfitness.com.au/diets Time People often tell me that time is an issue for them. Following healthy diets doesn't meal that you need to cook perfectly presented gourmet meals. It means that you have to have nutritionally balanced and portion controlled meals. The biggest key is to plan your meals at the beginning of the week. I even have clients who have a "cook up" on Sunday evenings and then freeze the meals and defrost them over night the day they are taking them to work. The frozen food section at the supermarket can help as well. There are many healthy options that are frozen and only take a few minutes to defrost. Money This is a major issue with many people at the moment. The truth is that you can eat healthy and keep costs down. Once again it comes down to planning. Some people have found that they have kept their shop lower by buying the food online and having it delivered. This cuts out the impulse buying. Motivation Having trouble with motivation? If you are then you need to get clear on your goals. Having a lack of goals that excite you is the single biggest reason people don't stick to diets. The second reason is support. Write down your goals and get a good support network around you to keep you on track! by alfitness

What Is A Chart For Weight Loss For?

What Is A Realistic Weight Loss Chart?
Is it possible for you to shed 10 pounds in a matter of 7 days? Probably, but you may never succeed.

There are many weight loss charts being published today, most of which are promising tremendous amounts of pounds to be lost in a short span of time. How many of these are real? Which of these are realistic? And how many of these are merely hyping up an impossibility?

Let's start with the basic. People committed to reputable weight loss programs are most likely to lose 3 to 5 pounds per month, at the average. Individuals who are struggling to reduce weight by striving to shed a part of their calorie intake a day highly probable to reduce only a pound in 30 days. These are the feasible figures for a fat-reduction diagram. These are the most probable results that you will get if you will start to pursue a weight loss program.

So, can you lose 10 pounds in a week's time? Odds are, youwon't be able to … at least not in a healthy way.

Do you think you can shed 5 pounds in a matter of 7 days? This is more promising, though, it will need a large crack from you.

Do you think you can shed 3 pounds in a matter of 7 days? Oblige yourself to do a lot of fat-reducing actions from day to day and this is very much possible.

Do you think you can shed a pound in a matter of 7 days? Most weight loss programs can guarantee this much of a result.

A qualification to the foregoing, still: we're referring to a manageable weight reduction, not quick fixes to the problem of being overweight. Boxers can reduce as many as 10 pound within a number of hours prior to weigh in, by perspiring, fasting, and inducing trips to the toilet. But after they meet the weight required, they are most likely to add on double the amount of pounds they shed, in a span of a single night at that!

There are countless quick weight loss plans you can pursue,but the results will be just as quick as well.

Long term results are the way to go, and to achieve them, a respected and well established weight loss program should be followed. by Brady Burgess

Discover the 8 Fat Loss Cardio Mistakes

Programs for fitness and fat loss come in just about every variation depending on the perspective of the guru or expert involved. As a former military trained fitness professional working with thousands of people over the last three decades, all of the trial and error to see what works and what doesn't is over. As many of you continue to win the war on obesity while getting healthier everyday, some of you are traveling down a road less traveled without a map.

Here's a map to point you in the right direction and in an effort to clear up some confusion, give some solid foundational starting points so you can make some educated choices.

1. Inadequate warm up

When starting out a warm up of a general nature is good to loosen stiff muscles and joints. A five minute whole body dynamic stretch routine allows you to hit all planes of motion with flexion, extension and rotation of torso and lower body. From ankles to neck warms the body nicely and will prevent program ending injuries before you get out of the gate.

2. Session of cardio not long enough

A session of less than 20 minutes isn't really log enough for the body to figure out what you're doing. The body's fuel sources for fat burning might not even start to get tapped into until the 30 minute mark. However, for the newbie or over weight individual building endurance and conditioning the body for work will be the first goal with the lower limit being thirty minutes and building on some days to sixty minutes.

3. Session of cardio not hard enough

The discussion strategy of going hard enough but still allowing you to converse with a cardio partner is one commonly used, however as you become conditioned, a higher intensity will need to be employed to burn fat. Heart rates alternated between 120 and 180 beats per minute using high intensity interval training will give you more bang for your buck and continue to burn fat for another 36 hours post workout research says.

4. Session of cardio not frequent enough

If previous items are not handled well and injuries occur frequently or life causes schedule conflicts, setting up a first thing in the morning strategy is best. Get up, have a coffee shot and hit the road. Then the day can do what ever the day wants to do and you've at least gotten "me" time handled and can feel accomplished.

5. Not enough variety.

When doing the same type of workout whether it's running, swimming or rowing and it happens same time, on same days-a change is needed. Mainly because a lot of repetitive stress injuries occur as the body adapts to that type of training routine. When going from one method of cardio training to another, the body's ability to adapt to stressors takes much longer while prolonging stagnation and possible soft tissue injuries

6. No ability to record quantity of calories expended, i.e. heart monitor

"I'm sweating" isn't an indication of fat burning, it just means your drinking enough water and your hot....that's it. Using a monitor to check ranges to build recovery into your program as well as document calorie output per type of training session is good data. It will keep you continually improving if you meet or beat each similar workout with one or more calories being burned each time as you get fit.

7. No stretching program/cool down

Post workout a few minutes of stretching your tightest target muscle groups will prevent down time from injury and allow the pooling of waste products in muscles from exercise to be pushed through the system and eliminated mush easier. Research indicates this also will help with delayed on set muscle soreness.

8. Improper diet

The biggest mistake of all is to eat 3000 calories of poor quality fuel and call it food. Not only will you perform less than optimally, but if you only burn a 300 or 400 calories per day and your body needs only 2,000 calories to survive.....the extra calorie consumption will eventually add up to fat gain instead of loss. Have your body fat levels checked to determine how many calories you need for your body and activity level. Then eat the highest quality fuels possible. If it didn't exist 3,000 years ago, don't eat it.

Stay ready so you don't have to get ready. Go lift some heavy stuff, then run, eat, sleep and repeat forever. by Emile Jarreau

Freeze Over Indulging To Encounter Prodigious

Becoming healthy and staying healthy is important to leading a long and gratified life. A healthy lifestyle enables a person to participate in myriads activities that unhealthy or overweight people may not be able to do. A healthy lifestyle includes eating right, exercising regularly, and watching your intake of alcohol. Living a healthy lifestyle will help keep away disease and sickness, and boost the immunity system. It can also help a being live a longer life.

Excess body fat may negatively affect your health. The risks are higher for developing health problems if you're overweight. An increase of high calorie foods and not exercising are some of the accounts citizens gain too much weight. Illnesses such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease could again and again be traced directly from too much body fat. According to Professor Jane Wardle, excess body fat is alive tissue that produces hormones and increases the risk of cancer. Other health problems that may develop from being overweight are high blood pressure, osteoarthritis, asthma, snoring, high cholesterol and triglyceride levels, heart attack, and stroke.

While some citizens may display the perfect diet, if they are smokers, it might every one of go to waste. Incredibly, smoking is the greatest killer in the UK with an estimated one in five deaths attributed to the habit. There are a quantity of theories related to how smoking may cut a human's lifespan, but the one that experts back the largest is that for every cigarette a character smokes, they will lose five minutes of their life. Heart diseases, lung diseases, and cancer are the three largest dangers of smoking and that's just the tip of the iceberg. From asthma to emphysema, kidney cancer to bladder cancer, and heart attacks to strokes, the list goes on. But, one thing's for confident; smoking has massive dangers and is medically proven to cut short populace's lives.

Eating healthier and exercising will give you a much stronger body. You can prevent numerous kinds of illnesses by taking care of yourself. When you change to a healthy diet, it should be balanced and consist of vegetables, fruit, bread and cereals, meat, dairy substitutes, fish, and legumes. You should also drink 8 glasses of water a day. Positive side effects are weight loss and feeling fantastical. Exercise also has many positive side effects. Weight training exercises will put together muscle tissue and reduce serum triglycerides. Aerobic exercise will give you more zest and improve blood glucose levels and blood fat profile. Better vigorous exercise programmes will improve your health and fitness even if only for short periods every day.

Doctors and medical professionals frequently speak their patients that eating healthy and exercising are important. Yet, those professionals seldom recount their patients why they should do that. The simple answer is that the being will feel better once they begin doing those things.

Once they begin losing weight, they also start feeling greater about themselves. Their body image changes, and they enter acting or cladding in a dissimilar way. This increase in selfhood worth also helps them focus on other zones of their life that they might have neglected in the former times such as their marriage or home life.

Leading a healthy lifestyle helps individuals live longer and happier lives. They feel greater about their bodies, which helps improve their self-esteem. It also gives them more time to do the things they fancy, without worrying about how their bodies will feel later.

Those who lead healthy lifestyles also demonstrate the added benefit of living longer because they reduce their chances of catching certain diseases. Cancer, heart problems, diabetes, and high blood pressure are every one of conditions that might occur in those who lead less than healthy lives. Creating a exiguous changes though can help eliminate those worries. by Marcia Literral

How are your New Year's resolutions coming along?

What were your New Year's Resolutions? According to various surveys, one of the most common New Year's resolutions in the United States is to get healthier in the New Year, to lose that excess baggage. The problem is that this "plan" well is just a plan and most people (70%) don't have the guidance or direction and give up by day 5. For the remaining 30%, they will look into some miracle quick fix celebrity diet or other and stay the course for a few weeks. Don't get me wrong, they will lose some weight (mostly water retention or muscle), but odds are they will put them back on even faster than they lost it once they get off the diet.

So, is there no hope for us FAT people? Don't look so shocked at being referred to as fat. While many industrialized countries have experienced similar increases, American obesity rates are the highest in the developed world with 64% of adults being overweight or obese, and 26% are obese. These are not my stats folks, this is what Wikipedia says. Coming back to the question, YES there is hope! The first thing that YOU have to do is tell yourself, "I will achieve what I set out to do." Believe in yourself. There's nothing in the world that you cannot do IF you set your mind to it.

Next, review your food and exercise routines.

FOOD: Let's start of with the size of portions. Thanks to the overwhelming portions sizes served up at family meals and in restaurants, we forget when to stop eating! Reduce your portion sizes, you don't need to cut meals, you just need to reduce what you eat. Now look at what you eat. There are resources on the net with online diet generators that make plans specific to YOU. http://www.fatlossfor-idiots.com is one that I have read about and it has brilliant reviews. You also need to understand when to eat. http://www.bestfatlossadvice.com explains the importance of recognizing the right times to eat to get the best metabolism out of your body.

EXERCISE: You need to set aside some time each day dedicated to yourself - exercise. Join your local gym; they will have personal trainers available at your disposal often for free with gym membership. Get them to show you the right techniques to follow for your weight loss program. It should be a mixture of cardio and weight training not just one of them.

Lastly, believe in yourself. This is the first thing that I told you to do, and this is the last thing I will tell you to. DON'T give up. Your new self awaits you. Good luck. by Dale Littlewood

What Is the Best Way to Lose Weight?

It seems everyone has an opinion about the best way to lose weight. It's a topic that for years has been written about, talked about, joked about and hotly debated. But even with all the scientific weight loss experts weighing in, no one yet has been able to figure out the secret to losing weight. Perhaps no one can figure out the secret because there isn't any secret. Truth is, there is one best way to lose weight and we all know what it is. In order to lose weight, we need to consume fewer calories than we burn. It's really not that complicated and it's definitely not a secret. We've all heard this before. Problem is, most of us do just the opposite. We eat too many high-fat, high-calorie foods and rarely break a sweat, causing us to take in more calories than are burned. If you can't find time to plan and prepare healthy meals and you can't find time to get your body moving, it's no wonder you can't lose weight! Maybe you need something more. If so, don't worry. There's definitely more out there. Burn baby, burn Burning fat and calories is what your body does when you exercise. Exercise kicks your metabolism into gear, and that's really what burns fat. But you don't have time to exercise, remember? So burning fat has to happen some other way. And that way is with Accelerate, a supplement specially formulated to stimulate the body's natural metabolic process. The thermogenic fat burning process raises the body's temperature which in turn raises your metabolic rate so you can burn fat and lose weight. It's a great alternative for people who don't have time to exercise and also those who, despite repeated attempts at exercising, can't seem to lose weight. There's also Flush, the all-new organic colon cleanser that's safe to use every day. Removing impurities from the body, which is what colon cleansing does, has many benefits. Using a colon cleansing product like Flush helps boost your body's ability to burn fat, improves digestion, decreases bloating, restores energy and more - all of which helps you lose weight. Restricting calories We eat for lots of different reasons which is probably why restricting calories is so difficult. But now thanks to the tasteless food sprinkle called Cheat and Eat, eliminating calories has never been easier. A few shakes of this patent-pending sprinkle really can help you lose weight. Finally for all those times when you don't have time to plan meals, there's Lean Vanilla. This delicious-tasting protein and amino acid meal replacement shake satisfies your appetite, leaves you feeling full and increases sustained energy. It doesn't get better than that! Don't abandon your New Year's resolution to lose weight yet, not before you've tried what promises to be this year's best way to lose weight. Better health is just a click away! by Bweiss

Are There Any Benefits In Drinking Decaffeinated Green Tea?

Opinions vary about the benefit of drinking decaffeinated green tea. Primarily, the debate has to do with the process used to reduce the caffeine content. The most common method is called the "direct" approach, which requires the use of toxic solvents.

In days gone by, benzene was the most common solvent used for decaffeination, but eventually it was learned that benzene causes cancer in humans, so the solvent is no longer used. The solvents that are used today are believed to be less toxic, but not much.

Dichloromethane is the most commonly used solvent, today. It is considered a "possible" human carcinogen. In other words, it may cause cancer. Another chemical that is sometimes used is called ethyl acetate and companies that use it may say that their decaffeinated green tea is naturally processed, because ethyl acetate can be derived from various fruits and vegetables. But, the truth is that gathering it from natural sources is expensive and impractical. So, the chemical used for decaffeination is synthetic.

The CO2 process of decaffeination and the Swiss water process are the safest methods for mass-production. But only one facility in Vancouver, Canada uses the Swiss water method. If the company does not list the method of decaffeination, you are better off buying caffeinated teas and using the "do-it-yourself" method, which follows.

Steep the leaves for up to a minute and discard that cup. Then add the leaves to a second cup of boiling water and steep to your desired color. Most of the caffeine is extracted from the leaf in the first 20-30 seconds. So, this method effectively reduces caffeine-content, but may reduce flavor, as well.

Health supplements don't require the use of decaffeinated green tea extract, because the caffeine-content of a 100mg supplement, for example, would contain less than 4mg of caffeine, much like what you would find in a leaf that had been run through a decaffeination process. Some people mistakenly believe that decaffeinated is the same as caffeine-free, but regardless of the method used, some caffeine will remain.

Health supplements that contain the extract are promoted for weight loss purposes, but the manufacturers of those supplements add caffeine. They are also used to relive arthritis, because of the natural anti-inflammatory activity of the antioxidants present in the teas. Those antioxidants may reduce our cancer risk, but to get the best value for your money, I recommend a supplement that contains a variety of different antioxidants and anti-inflammatories.

A multi-nutritional formulation will do a lot more for your health than drinking decaffeinated green tea. Of course, if you like the taste, then go ahead and drink it. Now that you are aware of the processes used for decaffeination, you should be able to find a safe product or just do it yourself.

I would suggest organically grown teas, if you can find them. They are less likely to contain environmental contaminants. The better supplement manufacturers test the raw ingredients to avoid those potentially hazardous compounds. Those are the facts about decaffeinated green tea. Hope you learned something. If you have a few minutes to spare, please take a look at my website now.

by Gordon Hall